Dare to grow differently, and grow your potential at Kingsclere Estates circular community.


Got a sustainable food, farming or business idea? Pitch Up! for land, investment and expertise at our 2,500 estate in Hampshire...



We’re seeking partner enterprises to work holistically with the land, enhance its productivity and biodiversity, and feed back into our innovative ‘closed loop’ system. At Kingsclere Estates, we believe in giving everyone an opportunity and supporting those with enterprising ideas. To make sure our estate thrives in the future, we’re offering our land to farmers and growers with forward-thinking ideas to help shape the future of Kingsclere Estate as a thriving circular community.

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Looking to grow a new venture, be it in food, drink or forestry? We have all the space you need for your ideas to flourish into a scalable and sustainable business. We’re seeking forward-thinking enterprises to work with farmers, growers and land managers to create progressive ventures that make the most of everything we produce (including our waste!). We are passionate about creating opportunity and supporting sustainable ventures…

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If you can see Kingsclere Estate from your home, if you pass it or if you cross over it as part of your day-to-day life, then we’re all part of the same community. We want to grow strong connections in the local area over the coming years. And we want to know what’s important to you, what you’d like to see happen at Kingsclere, how we can be more involved in the local community, and how we can best keep you updated about changes we are making…

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We have 100,000 sq ft of mixed-use commercial units and 35 homes available to rent here at Kingsclere. If you’re looking to start a venture here, it could be that we have the space for you to live and work within the grounds of our Estate. We are building a circular economy, and our vision is that every business and household on our land plays a role in, and directly benefits from, this model…

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Latest News


Welcome to ‘The Roaming Smoker’

Following last year’s Pitch Up season, we are pleased to welcome the Roaming Smoker to the Kingsclere Estates family! The…

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Kingsclere Estates Farm Walks

Tim has been leading guided walks around the farm since 2022. You can join him on one of the fortnightly walks around the estate…

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It’s not all about the “rewilding” and carbon offsetting – its balance

There’s been a lot of talk in the press recently about “rewilding” where farmers fields are being used for tree planting…

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Ploughing, no-till and min-till – cultivating soil health

No-till farming, where fields aren’t ploughed, has become increasingly popular with the raised awareness of the importance of…

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JimW Pit Hall Farm 014

Farming and tech: GPS tracked herds

Whilst at first glance farming may not seem very high tech, you’d be surprised at how much farming has changed with the…

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