We would love to see your photographs and experiences visiting Kingsclere Estates, if you would like to share a picture of something you’ve seen or perhaps you’ve recorded some birdsong or something similar, we have a helpful form you can use.

If you find something you need to share with us about our land or livestock, the best thing to do is send a picture and an exact location on our ‘Estate Feedback’ form so we can quickly find the problem and resolve it.

If there's anything else we can help with, don't hesitate to get in touch. You can click on the link to email us, phone us or fill in the contact form below and one of our team will get back you.

Contact Details

Kingsclere Estates Ltd
Pitt Hall Farm, Ramsdell,
Basingstoke, Hampshire
RG26 5RJ


01256 850 221

Registered Company 32046
VAT Number 199 2680 11
